Bushwhacking Sleeping Lion and Halcott Mountains in the Catskills

Halcott Mountain (3509') and Sleeping Lion Mountain (3391') are two trailless mountain peaks in the Catskill Mountains that can be hiked together as a bushwhack loop. Halcott Mountain is one of the Catskill 3500 Peaks, while Sleeping Lion is part of the Catskill Hundred Highest peaks.

All approaches to both peaks are bushwhacks. The most straightforward trek is to create a loop over both of the peaks that begins in the parking lot located on Route 42 in Deep Notch. From the parking lot a distinct herd path climbs past the nearby waterfall and then continues across the creek to left and ascends Halcott. For this loop though, we began with an ascent up Sleeping Lion, so instead of following the herd path to the left, turn right and follow the ridge to the summit of Sleeping Lion. From there, follow the ridge between Sleeping Lion and Halcott to the summit of Halcott Mountain. 

The entire hike/bushwhack was about 6.5 miles with about 2250 feet of elevation gain.


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Important Hiking Considerations:
  1. Weather: Check the weather forecast before your hike and be prepared for changes in conditions. Weather can be unpredictable, so bring appropriate clothing and gear. 
  2. Safety: Some sections of the trail can be steep and rocky, so use caution and watch your footing. It's also a good idea to hike with a friend or let someone know about your hiking plans. 
  3. Leave No Trace: As with any outdoor activity, remember to follow the principles of Leave No Trace. Pack out any trash, stay on the trail, and be respectful of the natural environment.


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