The Catskills - Hiking the Burroughs Range Trail - Slide Mountain, Cornell Mountain, and Wittenberg Mountain

Slide Mountain (4184’), Cornell Mountain (3857’), and Wittenberg Mountain (3782’) via the Burroughs Range Trail - All three peaks part of the Catskill 3500 - Hiked May 15, 2020

We followed the Burroughs Range Trail west to east from the Slide Mountain Parking area on County Route 47 to the trailhead parking at the Woodland Valley Campground. In addition to the three peaks, the trail features some interest ledges to navigate, including the Cornell Crack on the eastern side of Cornell that requires some wiggling and maneuvering to make it down.

You can find this hike on:
Catskill Park Information: Catskills Visitor Center 

Catskill Park Outdoor Hiking, Backpacking and Camping Guide Services: Hike On Guides 

Thanks for watching! Be sure to like and subscribe on YouTube if you enjoyed our video. We appreciate the opportunity to share our adventures with you and highlight members of the LGBTQ+ community enjoying the outdoors. Proud gay hikers here! 


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