Plateau Mountain - Winter Hiking in the Catskills

At 3,835 feet in elevation, Plateau Mountain is one of the Catskill 3500 peaks and can be hiked via trail from three different directions. For this hike, Moe started at the end of Mink Hollow Road, climbed to the Devil's Path in Mink Hollow, and the followed the Devil's Path to the summit of Plateau Mountain.

When Moe’s Learn to Winter Hike workshop from Hike on Guides was cancelled due to the lack of snow, he decided to still get out and ended up climbing Plateau Mountain. Along the way he provides advice and tips for hikers getting used to hiking in the winter - including microspike use (hint, always carry them in the winter).

While not an official trail, the route of the old Mink Hollow Road, into the notch, provides access to the Devil’s Path and an eastern ascent of Plateau. It's also very easy to follow, as it's an old road. Moe followed the old Mink Hollow Road about three quarters of a mile into the notch (Mink Hollow) where he intersected with the Devil's Path. From the notch, he followed the Devil's Path 1.05 miles up the eastern side of Plateau, to its summit.

For him, this was just an in and out hike, so he descended the same way he climbed and went back down the old road to the parking area at the end of Mink Hollow Road.


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You can find more information about this hike on:
Find additional information about the Catskill Park by visiting the Catskills Visitor Center
Outdoor Hiking, Backpacking and Camping Guide Services:
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Gear we used on this hike:

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