Hiking: Acadia National Park Super Loop Visits Most Major Attractions On The Eastern Third of Mount Desert Island Without Driving!

This 16 mile loop hike on the eastern third of Mount Desert Island in Acadia National Park begins at Sieur De Monts/Wild Gardens of Acadia. You'll hike past the Tarn and up Champlain Mountain. Descend Champlain to the hair raising climb up the Beehive. Walk out to Sand Beach for a cold swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Amble along the Ocean Path past Thunder Hole, to Otter Cove, and then through the Blackwoods Campground to the base of the highest mountain on Mount Desert Island and in Acadia National Park, Cadillac Mountain. You'll ascend Cadillac on the open rock South Ridge, enjoy the summit and then descend on the North Ridge to the Park's loop road. Follow the loop road to the Jessup Path, which you'll take to bring you back to Sieur De Monts!

This is challenging 16 mile hike that climbs more than 3000 vertical feet along the way. The section up the Beehive is especially difficult, as the trail is carved into the mountain and you must navigate and climb cliff faces with only a few iron bars to hold on to.


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Important Hiking Considerations:
  1. Weather: Check the weather forecast before your hike and be prepared for changes in conditions. Weather can be unpredictable, so bring appropriate clothing and gear. 
  2. Safety: Some sections of the trail can be steep and rocky, so use caution and watch your footing. It's also a good idea to hike with a friend or let someone know about your hiking plans. 
  3. Leave No Trace: As with any outdoor activity, remember to follow the principles of Leave No Trace. Pack out any trash, stay on the trail, and be respectful of the natural environment.

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